Day 23 – 30 Days of Knitting meme

If you had the supplies (and patience) for it, what project would you start today?

So many things.


Those mittens from yesterday (which are just waiting for some of my other WIPs to be finished)


sylvisurpriseSylvi, by Mari Muinonen, which is amazing with the differently-colored cabling

SouthernSkiesShawlSouthern Skies, by Audry Nicklin, a shawl that is also a star chart for the southern hemisphere

celestariumCelestarium (same designer), its sister-shawl which represents the northern hemisphere,

pretty-peacock_mediumI’ve had Pretty As A Peacock by Some Knitting Required in my favorites for like, EVER

And goodness knows, I’d love to make a sweater for myself ASAP. It’s not really a matter of patience, but a matter of supplies. And in this last case, a matter of the proper figure.

rubywhiteliesdesignsRuby from WhiteLiesDesigns is just…oh. Oh my. Can you even? I can’t even.

This is only a tiny smattering of the lovely things I want to make. And of course, the lovely things I want to spin! I have some Fiber Optic roving in my stash JUST WAITING. ANXIOUSLY. You guys. I can’t wait.

About crankyfacedknitter

We are a motley collection of cats, cranks, nerds, geeks, hobbyists, humorists, writers, caffeine addicts and one knitter. We have many offspring, but admittedly, most of them are imaginary.
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4 Responses to Day 23 – 30 Days of Knitting meme

  1. Love the southern skies shawl. 🙂

  2. Febr12 says:

    Lovely mittens!

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